A Registered Training Organisation must maintain compliant and complete trainer and assessor files and records. All trainer and assessor files must demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and be free from errors and non-compliance.
These are the most common errors and non-compliance in trainer and assessor files and the solutions for how to rectify:
Non-compliance number 1: Incomplete trainer files without the inclusion of relevant evidence
Explanation: This is one of the biggest areas of non-compliances. Trainers and assessors presenting files that are incomplete to an auditor.
So, what are common problems is incomplete files:
Solution: Make sure the RTO’s policy and procedure have clear guidelines on:
Non-compliance number 2: Accuracy of the documents can not be established
Explanation: It is the RTO’s responsibility to ensure they complete due-diligence at the recruitment stage. Establishing accuracy and validity of all the documents is one of the most important steps.
Solution: Make sure the accuracy of all documents is established. The accuracy of documents can be established by, but not limited to:
Non-compliance number 3: Trainer/Assessor engagement with the RTO has not been documented
Explanation: The RTO must ensure that the documents or trainer files they use belong to the trainers they have legally contracted or recruited. They cannot and must not use documents of a trainer that has not been recruited by the organisation. Therefore, the trainer association and engagement with the RTO must be established through documented processes.
Solution: The RTO must ensure that there are copies of the documents listed below:
Non-compliance number 4: VET currency has not been documented properly or there is inadequate VET currency.
Explanation: The RTO has not documented the vocational education and training knowledge and experience of their trainers.
Non-compliance number 5: Their industry currency has not been documented properly or there is inadequate industry currency
Explanation: The RTO has not documented the industry currency and experience of their trainers.
Solution: In many situations, trainers and assessors may be working in the industry sector and this can be used as evidence for industry currency. Where this is not the case, currency needs to be established through different mediums such as:
Each RTO has to consider relevant factors, ideally in consultation with industry, to determine an appropriate currency period. This will depend on how static or how fast the industry is developing and changing. In general, any experience that is two years or older will not be considered current.
Non-compliance number 6: The vocational currency has not been documented properly or there is inadequate vocational currency.
Explanation: The RTO has not documented the vocational currency of their trainers. To provide training that reflects current industry practice and valid assessment, the RTO’s trainers and assessors must maintain currency of their skills and knowledge in both:
It is also acceptable for an appropriately qualified trainer and assessor to work with an industry expert to conduct assessment together.
Provide details of how you meet the vocational competence requirements of each unit you are delivering or assessing. This may be through:
Ensure all areas of the unit of competency are addressed through the evidence provided. Provide examples and explain each criterion to ensure you have addressed all areas of the unit of competency. If the units are not equivalent (e.g. a Statement of Attainment for the specific unit/course has not been submitted), a mapping document must be provided to demonstrate how the units have been mapped to ensure vocational competency. The mapping document may be provided by the RTO.
Non-compliance number 7: The training and assessment requirements have not been documented properly or there are inadequate training and assessment requirements.
Explanation: The RTO has not documented the training and assessment requirements of their trainers, or trainers do not meet the current training and assessment requirements.
Solution: The RTO must ensure all trainers and assessors are meeting the requirements below:
Training and Assessment Credentials Required – Trainers
On or prior to 30 June 2019 (no equivalence)
From 1 July 2019 (no equivalence)
Training and Assessment Credentials Required – Assessors
On or prior to 30 June 2019 (no equivalence)
From 1 July 2019 (no equivalence)
You must have a Training and Assessment Qualifications section on your skills matrix and options to select the checkboxes or let the Trainer/Assessor write the training and assessment qualification/s they have acquired.
Non-compliance number 8: The trainer file does not have a compliance checklist
Explanation: Without having a checklist it makes it difficult to maintain consistency and accuracy across all trainer files. This also creates inconsistency of forms or documents that are being used as they may be outdated or incorrect.
Solution: Make sure all trainers have valid files that include the following information:
It is also recommended that all resumes/CVs are verified for currency and authenticity through reference checks. For more information, please refer to https://www.caqa.com.au/single-post/2019/05/28/Your-trainer-and-assessor-files-Part-4-of-5
Non-compliance number 9: Information provided verbally or documented do not match
Explanation: One of the major non-compliances is when the information provided by the trainers/assessors and/or the RTO do not match each other. For example, a trainer’s CV has different information from the trainer’s staff matrix or vice versa.
Non-compliance number 10: No annual review on the trainer file
Explanation: Documents have not been reviewed and/or updated.